A must have, for those needing HYDRATION! The best serums and ingredients are taylored to your skincare needs. AFTER, deep cleansing and exfoliation, your skin receives a customized infusion of skincare serums. INSTANT BRIGHTENING WITH HYDRATION!
You will love this exfoliating treatment! Designed to remove the outer layers of skin at a rapid pace. With the use of our “diamond tip" technology, your skin will immediately feel lighter and refreshed! With an added Enzyme treatment and LED , Great for those of you with dry, dull, sun damaged or acneic skin.
LHE- NON-SURGICAL FACELIFT $550 PER SESSION. Series of three recommended.
A specialized energy designed to give your skin a lift! With the use of Tri-polar current, your skin will have a smoother, brighter appearance and a much plumper look because of your own increased collagen. A series is recommended and specials available with packages.
RF VASCULAR TREATMENT $420 PER area. two sessions recommended.
Using a refined micro current to treat and remove moles, skin tags, and broken capillaries, causing the skin to repair itself by pushing off the moles and skin tags and absorbing the surfaced broken capillaries. You will have a noticeable improvement with your skin immediately, After care instructions provided, to receive the maximum results.
A facial brightening and firming treatment with the use of small needles to stimulate your skin. After the application of numbing cream, your treatment will start with an influx of your own collagen, leaving your skin bright and firm! The best treatment for sun damage, age spots, acne scars, skin lacking luster or elasticity. Three sessions recommended.
Kuma SHAPE & Body Sculpting $750 PER area EACH SESSION. Packages and Specials available
KUMA SHAPE and Body Sculpting is an isolated treatment that uses Radio-Frequency to "heat" unwanted fat, in the all areas of the body, arms, abdomen, belly fat, inner and outer thighs and buttocks. Kuma is a safe and proven technology that elongates those fatty areas, and breaks up the clusters of fat, without down-time. A recommended package of Radio Frequency ( heated technology) to tighten lose skin on face and body.
Two sessions of Kuma Shape and combination with heat, will contour and shape your specific area on your body, giving you noticeable improvement. Clients notice a difference immediately, usually losing 1-4 inches. Series recommended and special pricing with packages. A must before those special events, or bikini season!
A Q-Plus Series ND YAG laser that utilizes 3 True wavelengths to extract and treat the wide spectrum of ink colors including: dark blue, black, red, orange, yellow,purple, blue, green, and violent inks. It will require up to three sessions per tattoo. Priced per area.